You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers

Why is there condensation on the inside of my glass?
Condensation occurs when there is excess humidity in your home, especially when it’s cold outside. Windows and doors don’t cause condensation, but they can tell you when the humidity level in your home is too high.
Signs of condensation include:
• Frost on door handles and hinges
• Water or ice on windows
• Damp spots or mildew on walls and ceilings
• Moisture on cold water pipes, walls, and floors

How can I reduce the humidity level inside my home?
Awning and casement windows are ideal for increasing airflow and reducing humidity especially in kitchens and bathrooms.
Limiting the use of humidifiers and opening a door or turning on exhaust fans will also help decrease humidity levels.

What should I do about fogging or condensation between panes of glass?
Panes come factory-sealed. Fogging usually signals a problem with the seal. Please consult one of our sales representatives.

Why is there condensation on the outside of my glass?
Condensation forms on outdoor surfaces of glass when the outdoor glass temperature drops below the outdoor dew point temperature.
On cool clear nights, where there isn’t any wind and a high relative humidity, condensation may form on outer glass surface. This does not indicate that there is a problem with your glass or windows.
The condensation will disappear when the sun comes up and warms the glass.